Friday, February 5, 2010

Club SEI

At the expo a few weeks back I signed up for SEI's monthly kit. Its something I've been wanting to do for a while I just never did and this last expo I finally did it. Well I got it today and its so fun opening it! Yay! Here is what this month's kit had in it.

Opening up the box is so exciting because you don't know whats in it and then its wrapped in tissue oh how fun!

Look at that list! lots of good stuff in here.

First off the paper pack. 48 pieces of paper some with texture on it and some without. Because I need more paper...
Ok these are fun. They are foam letters. They felt so soft and squishy the reminded me of being a little kid and making dioramas.
Glitter ribbon! Totally cute.

Some Dimensional tags with glitter galore. These were really cute.
Ok look at these brads! I love it!
Border strips, with glitter of course. This kit had a lot of glitter in it.
And lastly some chipboard stickers and pieces. The theme of this kit was called "Pastiche" and it seemed to have something for every occasion, like you can make a year album out of it! How fun!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I totally need to join the club again. Maybe you can get a referral credit of some sort. So jealous right now!!!! xoxo

